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Hello guys! In this rainy days I just sit at home and study, so that is the reason why I did not post for a couple of days. I was watching some TV show and I saw my favorite drink for a summer times. This mojito was the reason why I was not in the mood those days. It is important to have some pretty nice days when you can go out and chill with friends and pick up good vibes. :)  So I can not wait for nicer days and my dear people to be surrounded with. Tell me what do you like to drink in summer or just on hot spring days.

Ćao svima. Ovih dana kiÅ”a je padala gotovo neprestano,tako da sam uglavnom bila u kući i učila, pa je kiÅ”a i razlog zaÅ”to nisam postovala. Ovaj post je zapravo inspirisan jednom TV emisijom koju sam odgledala prije par dana. Riječ je o nekim ljetnjim napicima, tako da je mojito razlog zaÅ”to nisam raspolozena par dana. Podsjeća me na kvalitetno vrijeme koje bih inače provela sa mojim  prijateljima po lijepom proljećnom danu, Å”ireći pozitivnu energiju. :) Tako da su ti najljepÅ”i dani neÅ”to Å”to željno isčekujem. PiÅ”ite kako vi provodite sunčane dane i Å”ta vas najviÅ”e osvježi od napitaka.


  1. These photos are fabulous girlie! BTW so glad you stopped by my blog. I am going on Instagram right now to follow. Oh yea... my IG name is missdsquared413. See you on Instagram šŸ™Œ

    Dakota D.

  2. Beautiful post! I like it! ♥ :D
    My blogg: Girl with pink nails

  3. obozavam mojito :D

  4. Looks so yum but will you share a recipe?

    Yousra | Mystic Tales

  5. Good post :)

  6. Ove fotografije su preeelepe :)
    Ako si ih ti fotografisala, svaka ti čast :)


  7. Prelijepe fotografije, blog je stvarno lijep ti :)

  8. I love Mojito, on Wednesday I was with couple of my friends at club and we had Mojito♥ and yesterday with my mum, sister and my friend we had it again. Amazing post:-)

  9. Nikada nisam pila mojito. Mene najvise osvezi neki lagani sok, najcesce od jagode. :)

  10. I like your's blog and i follow you in your's instagrams @byklausia . If you want than follow me. :)

  11. Mojito is the best kind of drink that I ever had! :) Great post :)

  12. Mojito is one of the best thing for spring/summer! Your photos are really amazing, makes me want to try homemade mojito! xx

    Kayleeć…£JK's Dawn

  13. Oh God, I love mojito!!

    Chek out my page ;)

  14. Really great blog :)
    I visited my instagram invite you to their @rozadryzner.

  15. Mojito and Cosmopolitan are my favourite drinks! Great post :)
    ig: @aniaanaa

  16. Yummy! *o*
    i'm already following you! Your turn, my friend :D
    Zapraszam! :)

  17. Il mio coktail preferito!!
    Grazie per la ricetta!!
    Un bacione grande Manu

  18. I love Mojitos so much, just delicious!
    Have a lovely day,

  19. Love it!!
    Check my new post*
    xx, A Be-atriz

  20. Would you like to follow each other on GFC? Let me know if you follow me and I will follow you back.

  21. mmm it looks perferct!

    i'm your new follower <3

  22. Your mojito is perfect and I wanna drink it right now...hehehe. I love your photographs. Have a great week :)

    xoxo Eva |

  23. The pictures are wonderful, your photographs look fantastic. Would you like to follow each other? You have a wonderful blog and it would be a pleasure :)

  24. looks good and refreshing!!! :D

    Have a great week!
    Animated Confessions

  25. Nice post, haven't tried Mojito yet, I'm more into the creamy drinks like Baileys and Kahlua. I've followed you in Instagram, please follow me back @busyandfab.

  26. This juice is amazing to eat. I eat this juice before.

    Beauty Sleep

  27. Super! :)

  28. This loos so delicious!!
    Love it :)
    xx Lia

  29. I like the photos, also it made me want to have Mojito too now haha!
    Nice :)

  30. Who says no to a mojito.... especially in the summer time ;)

    Hugs from Athens !


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