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Hello guys. I was preparing some coco milk, and it was so new for me. It smells so amazing and it is so healthy. I do not know did you ever try coco water, but I did, and I do not like it at all. So my mother wanted to try one recipe and it was the same as that one that I bought. I do not like texture, may be it is the reason why I really do not like it at all. But the milk is so good, just amazing. If you tried that, tell me do you like at and if you not, tell me is it the same reason why I do not like it.

Ćao druÅ”tvo. Pripremala sam kokosovo mlijeko, Å”to je u suÅ”tini novo za mene. NajviÅ”e mi se dopao miris, a ono Å”to je najbolje jeste to Å”to je sve zdravo Å”to sam pripremala. Ne znam da li ste ikada probali kokosovu vodu, ja jesam i moram vam reći da mi se nije svidjelo, Iz tog razloga moja je majka probala da napravi kokosovu vodu po nekom receptu, ali je voda bila ista kao i ona koju sam kupila. Moram istaći da mi se mlijeko  viÅ”e sviđa. Možda je razlog zbog kojeg mi se voda ne viđa baÅ” u teksturi, koja je drugačija od mlijeka. Ako ste probali, piÅ”ite u komentarima kako vam se viđa ili zaÅ”to vam se ne sviđa neÅ”to od navedenog u ovom postu.


  1. Di You not like Coco water? I Love it, I Buy cocos often, I love anything made with coconut, the milk too of course but coconut water is so healthy... :)

  2. Obožavam kokos. Mogla bi podjeliti recept kako si ga napravila :)

  3. Odlican post,inace ja obozavam kokos! :)
    My opinion

  4. Nice post :)

  5. looks cool :D

  6. Lovely post dear! Have a great weekend! xx

  7. Nikada nisam probala pravi kokos, ali bih voljela. Izgleda ukusno, haha. :) ♥

    Novi post -> Innisall

  8. Great post :)
    Already follow the blog and I started following you on instagram.

  9. Great article!

    Sara C.

  10. I used to drink it as a kid. So good!

    xx Yasmin

  11. The coconut oil is amazing! I like !

    xx LL


  12. Nikad nisam probala ni kokosovu vodu, ni mleko :)
    Fotografije su jako lepe :)


  13. So yummy :)

  14. cool :)

  15. I love coconut water it depends on the one you have the fresh coconut water tastes better than the dried coconut water. I am back to blogging i launched the new blog today would love it if you could check it out and follow me

  16. I'm really into coconut oil and i use it for so much x

  17. I love coconut milk right out of the coconut! So refreshing.

    Dakota D.

  18. Cool post :)

  19. Amazing post! Thanks for your comment in my blog, I'll be happy if we start to follow each other! :)

  20. Amazing

    Love Vikee

  21. Coconuts rock! ADORE this post!

  22. Divan post i fotke, obozavam kokos i rado kupujem svez i sama pravim njegovo brasno. :)
    Pratim te.


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