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Best One | May 2016 |

Hi guys! Here I am with something new this week. I wanted to share with you my love thought this book. So if you did not read any of his books, you do not really know what the good book is. This one is so damn good, I read it for just one day. I will leave this link here:
So tell me in the comments bellow did you read this or any of his books, I need to say that I read all of them so, tell me which one did you read and liked so much. :)

Ćao druÅ”tvo! Tu sam ja sa nečim novim i ove nedelje, Htjela sam da podijelim svoju ljubav prema ovoj knjizi sa Vama. Ukoliko niste pročitali nijednu od Sindijevih knjiga, ja smatram da niste ni svjesni Å”ta je dobra knjiga. Ona je jedna od prokleto dobrih knjiga koju sam pročitala u jednom danu,Ostaviću Vam link ovdje da možete da je nabavite, mada ima je u svim knjižarama:
Ostavite dolje u komentaru da li ste čitali već njegove knjige. Moram istaći da sam pročitala sve njegove knjige, tako da bih voljela da mi kažete koja je knjiga na Vas ostavila najjači utisak. :)


  1. Is it that such a good ? What is the story about ? Well, I will grab one soon then. I really love to read children story, I think I will try this one.


  2. Sounds interesting, thanks for sharing! :)


    Photography & Fashion Blog,

  3. Oh, interesting - will pick up a copy!

  4. I need to start reading more LOL!

    Dakota D.

  5. Nisam čitala nijednu njegovu knjigu ali ako tako kažeÅ”, morat ću! Super post <3

    Vildana from Living Like V & Stalia Is BAE

  6. Nisam pročitala nijednu njegovu knjigu jer sam ipak ljubitelj ljubavnih knjiga :)
    Tako da... ako ti zatreba preporuka za neku od tog žanra, slobodno mi se javi :)


  7. He is such a good writer. An excellent story teller.
    I have read all of his books.
    Great post

    Love Vikee

  8. Oh my, I can't believe we are talking about Sidney Sheldon as I am a huge fan. Read all of them maybe except Reckless, have to grab a copy of it soon. Thanks for reminding me of his great work, I actually can't put it down when I start to read one.

  9. I'm courious!!!

  10. I didn't read any of his books :(

  11. Great post...

  12. I didn't read this or any of his other work, I'll look it up!


  13. This boos ounds intriguing! I'll look for it! :)

  14. Odlican post,zapratila sam te pa ako zelis uzvrati! :)
    My opinion

  15. This book sounds very interesting :)

  16. This book seems to be very interesting!

  17. Sounds interesting, I haven't read any of his books. Thanks for your visit and comment.

  18. Obožavam njegove knjige. BaŔ sam ih dosta pročitala. Ako si zainteresovana svrati namoj blog :*


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