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Showing posts from May, 2016


Hello guys. I was preparing some coco milk, and it was so new for me. It smells so amazing and it is so healthy. I do not know did you ever try coco water, but I did, and I do not like it at all. So my mother wanted to try one recipe and it was the same as that one that I bought. I do not like texture, may be it is the reason why I really do not like it at all. But the milk is so good, just amazing. If you tried that, tell me do you like at and if you not, tell me is it the same reason why I do not like it. Ćao druÅ”tvo. Pripremala sam kokosovo mlijeko, Å”to je u suÅ”tini novo za mene. NajviÅ”e mi se dopao miris, a ono Å”to je najbolje jeste to Å”to je sve zdravo Å”to sam pripremala. Ne znam da li ste ikada probali kokosovu vodu, ja jesam i moram vam reći da mi se nije svidjelo, Iz tog razloga moja je majka probala da napravi kokosovu vodu po nekom receptu, ali je voda bila ista kao i ona koju sam kupila. Moram istaći da mi se mlijeko  viÅ”e sviđa. Možda je razlog zbog kojeg mi s...


Hello there. I was yesterday in my village and take some photos that I thought I could share here with you on blog. Even thought is spring, at my village is pretty cold and we was in clothes that are for first look for autumn. :) Most important thing was that we had so much fun there. I want there with my sister, friend and my dad. We played around and do silly things together, it was awesome. I just love spending time with my friends and family. I hope that you like some of this photos that I take there. Ćao svima. Juće sam bila na selo, tako da sam mislila da bi dobra ideja bila kada bih vam prenijela malo od jučeraÅ”nje atmosfere, ovdje na blogu. Iako je proljeće, moje selo odiÅ”e hladnjikavim vremenom koje je karakteristično za jesen. :) Ono Å”to je najvažnije jeste da smo se jako lijepo proveli. Bila sam sa mojom sestrom, drugaricom i tatom. Obzirom da volim da provodim kvalitetno vrijeme sa svojim prijateljima i porodicom, ovo je za mene bio izvanredan dan, Nadam se da vam s...

Best One | May 2016 |

Hi guys! Here I am with something new this week. I wanted to share with you my love thought this book. So if you did not read any of his books, you do not really know what the good book is. This one is so damn good, I read it for just one day. I will leave this link here: TELL ME YOUR DREAMS So tell me in the comments bellow did you read this or any of his books, I need to say that I read all of them so, tell me which one did you read and liked so much. :) Ćao druÅ”tvo! Tu sam ja sa nečim novim i ove nedelje, Htjela sam da podijelim svoju ljubav prema ovoj knjizi sa Vama. Ukoliko niste pročitali nijednu od Sindijevih knjiga, ja smatram da niste ni svjesni Å”ta je dobra knjiga. Ona je jedna od prokleto dobrih knjiga koju sam pročitala u jednom danu,Ostaviću Vam link ovdje da možete da je nabavite, mada ima je u svim knjižarama: ISPRIČAJ MI SVOJE SNOVE Ostavite dolje u komentaru da li ste čitali već njegove knjige. Moram istaći da sam pročitala sve njegove knjige, ta...


Hello guys! In this rainy days I just sit at home and study, so that is the reason why I did not post for a couple of days. I was watching some TV show and I saw my favorite drink for a summer times. This mojito was the reason why I was not in the mood those days. It is important to have some pretty nice days when you can go out and chill with friends and pick up good vibes. :)  So I can not wait for nicer days and my dear people to be surrounded with. Tell me what do you like to drink in summer or just on hot spring days. Ćao svima. Ovih dana kiÅ”a je padala gotovo neprestano,tako da sam uglavnom bila u kući i učila, pa je kiÅ”a i razlog zaÅ”to nisam postovala. Ovaj post je zapravo inspirisan jednom TV emisijom koju sam odgledala prije par dana. Riječ je o nekim ljetnjim napicima, tako da je mojito razlog zaÅ”to nisam raspolozena par dana. Podsjeća me na kvalitetno vrijeme koje bih inače provela sa mojim  prijateljima po lijepom proljećnom danu, Å”ireći pozitivnu energi...

Every Day

Hello there! Today is first sunny day for a long time. I wanted to share some outfits with you all. Here is my favorite shirt and some jeans that I almost always wore, because they are so comfortably. This is outfit for one usual day out of the house. :) I do not wore sunglasses often but today sun was really strong so I pick them up. Also I need to say that I love my new hair color, what do you think? P.S. I love backpack so much!!! XOXO

Lets do it Montenegro

Hello friends! Here I am with my friend on reception of ambassadors. This is program of worldwide cleanup country. We were presenting this idea to ambassadors and talk about our projection. I think that we did amazing job and that this "Lets do it" program is so dope and also useful to all of us. We have one city per all of as young people who start up this program in my country. So proud and exiting for time to come where we finish it and enjoy in our done work. I hope that you all know about this cleaning action because it is so popular and present to each country all around the world. We get it as last day 20th May! I wanted to share this action with you all! And when days start to be sunny I will post outfit posts and no more this kind of blogpost. I hope that you enjoy-