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Day in Cefalu | Sicily |

Hello there, its been a long time that I did not post anything and that I did not talk about fashion and travel here. After all here I am, back on work and with good news, and dope photos form my vacation on Sicily. I have been in this small town for a day and I shoot this cute dress that looks absolutely amazing. 
Tell me what do you think about this easy outfit and the bit color on it.



  1. I enjoyed viewing the photos
    Its a nice post
    Wishing you a lovely weekend
    New post

  2. Hey! Really nice blog! I have followed you on fb, please follow my page on fb as well:)

    have a nice day!

    The Gown šŸ‘—

  3. Hi dear. I really liked your blog too and I´m your newest follower you can check (the girl with the dark rose hair and the hat :)).
    I´m so excited to follow you also on instagram. I will try to follow you but also I will leave my username here to you to find me and hope that you can also follow me back on my blog. <3

    Instagram: @trendsandfashionlovers

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Predivne fotografije. Jako mi se sviđaju kao i haljina.
    Ostavila si mi komentar da ti javim ispod posta kada te zapratim tako da ti javljam da sam te zapratila na blogu, Instagramu i na Bloglovinu.
    Želim ti ugodan ostatak dana!

  6. Great post and photos. :)
    Here is my answer, of course I want to follow each other.
    I follow you, please follow me back. Check my new post.
    Have a nice day

  7. Sicily looks AMAZING! I've never been, but would love to go. Hope you had a great time Xx

    Sharan Gill Blog // Instagram

  8. Beautiful photos ♥

  9. Beautiful photos and great outfit. Hope you enjoyed your vacation.
    Thank you for visiting my blog.
    I followed you here and Instagram.
    My Insta @sudhanyabhattacharya


  10. amazing post honey, beautyfull photos :)
    i follow your great5 blog, please follow me back :)
    kisses from Poland :*

  11. Hi babe, I have just followed you (#710)! Would you be so kind to return the favor? :) Thank you!


  12. What a beautiful dress and what a wonderful place! ♥

  13. Love this. Such a nice post. :)

    Please check out my latest post, too? I'd love to hear something from you! :)

  14. Why this dress looks so amazing on you?!

    Kelly |

  15. You look so classy. Have a great week! xx

  16. Looks like a beautiful place. I'd love to visit Sicily one day.

    Kathrin | Polar Bear Style

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  18. Sunny topic. Thanks for the good mood. Cool

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