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Today I want to open a topic that I know all girls and all those who have any kind of problem and insecurity,are interested in. I must point out that many people give themselves the right to discuss other people's lives or in this case the appearance. You never see the true depth of it all, or consider how and what led to the current situation. People all look very surface, not interested in anyone's happiness, but only their own.
Inspired by that, I wanted to speak to you. I know that you might have more insecurities than it should, and that makes me very disappointed in the society in which we live. I want to say that you need to be aware that no one can judge you, because they are doing that to themselves.
People actions speak for their authors and not of the personality that were sent to. You must be confident in yourself and your quality. Do not let anyone sway of self-respect. You are special, just like all of us. We live this life the best we know .

Someone can love you more than you think.
You can achieve more than anyone expect.
You are free to make this life the best story that you can share with world.
Your body is someones motivation.
May be your eyes are opened to see true beauty of life and love along.

** they are for such moments as this, when body and soul rise in mutiny against their rigour **


  1. I'm totally agree with your words!
    Keep strong :D

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  2. The key for a person to increase his self-confidence, is to love oneself ;)

  3. beautifully written. I love this because you said instead of judging each other, let's just be free! I love that. We're all on the same team, right?? Thank you for sharing! xX

    1. YES! That is what I wanted to tell and I am glad that all of you understand it like that :*

  4. I'm totally agree with your words!
    Great post! ♥

    New post on my blog ->

  5. This is a great post, love reading it! Interested in GFC follow for follow? Please always keep in touch, I would love to hear from you!

    Follow me @qingsstyle on Instagram and Twitter!

    1. Thank you dear. I will contact you with pleasure. :)

  6. Can't agree more with you! I also love the way you put you thoughts into words. <3

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  7. Love the Style!!

    I have also started blogging and would love to share such stuff with readers. Would you like to follow each other? If yes, please follow me on my latest blog and let me know in the comment of my newest post so that I can follow you too. The LookBook

  8. Blog ti je fantastican! Pridruzila sam se tvom blogu ako zelis uzvrati :) ❤

  9. imas predobre postove ☺♥
    followala sam te uzvrati ako zelis

  10. Stvarno imas talenta za blogovanje.Blog ti je predobar.Zapratila sam te ako zelis uzvrati ♥♥♥

  11. Great post , I really like your blog! Thanks for the comment on my blog ! I follow you now , and can you follow me back? Thank you anyway!
    P.S.If anyone wants follow for follow , come to my blog.

  12. Prelepa si,a i blog je *-*

  13. I love this.. thanks for sharing! Your blog is lovely, do drop by mine is you get the chance.. I love seeing new faces on it! x

  14. Odličan post,hvala na komentaru na mom blogu <3
    učlanila sam se u tvoj blog pa ako želiŔ uzvrati <3

  15. Really nice post! You left a comment on my blog and (I believe you wanted a follow for follow from what google translate told me) I will follow you with a big pleasure! :)

    Have a wonderful day!

  16. nice post!!

  17. Great! ;)

  18. I love this post. Going off of what you are saying I think my insecurities have increased ever since social media became my profession. It can be so hard to stay positive when you are constantly looking at yourself on Snapchat or any other social media platforms. It is so important to acknowledge these sort of things. Great post darling.

    Dakota D.
    IG: @missdsquared413

    1. First of all thank you for reading. I need to say that there is not a reason for insecurities, we are all different and social media cant control us, just like nobody else. I love what you said. :*

  19. hi Andjela, great post! thanks for sharing, I can follow you back!
    xoxo Gina

    new post

  20. This is so inspiring, thank you for sharing dear! I already follow you back :)

  21. Heej, upravo sam postala čitalac tvog bloga. OduŔevila si me! ImaŔ divne postove i savrŔen dizajn, a ti sama si i viŔe nego prelepa, bez preterivanja! <3 <3

    1. Bojana. hvala ti puno na divnim rijecima :*

  22. I like your blog :)
    Following :)

  23. Well said and I couldn't agree with you more!


  24. Thank you for the post and the words, was a great and uplifting read!
    Have a lovely day :)
    Rosanna x
    Rose's Rooftop

  25. Predivno draga, pratim te i svidja mi se tvoj rad :)

  26. Great post, great topic great photo! following you *


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