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We all know what it is and when is a Halloween. We are also familiar with how the day is celebrated. Although in my country Montenegro, we do not celebrate that night.
It is not part of our tradition, so some families organize the Halloween for themselves and provide themselves this pleasure.


Do you all celebrate this date?


  1. Beautiful decorations:)

  2. Post je prelep, slike su vrh :D

  3. I loved all the decorations! Such a nice post!
    Thank you for the comment on my blog, following already, number 74 :)

  4. Great decorations for halloween

  5. Hello dear, thanks for your nice comments on my blog.
    First of all, you asked me if I wanted to do follow4follow and yes, I'd like, so I have followed you via GFC, G+, and also Bloglovin. So I leave you my link for you to follow me back:

    About the post: I loved the images. I think I'll save some of them to use them as wallpapers later.
    We don't usually celebrate Halloween here where I live (South America), because we are not used to and there are many religious beliefs against this celebration, but I like all the fancy stuff that it involves :)

    1. Thank you dear, for nice comment.
      Thats cool if you like photos that much.
      And yes, I follow you now.

  6. Thank you doll.
    I will follow you right now.


  7. Hey, thank you for stopping by my blog. I'm following you on GFC and bloglovin'. <3


  8. Thank you dear for checking out my blog. yes, lets follow each other. I am following you on gfc #77 and G+. Please follow me back as mentioned. Your Halloween decorations hopefully will spread some halloween spirit in your country. Wonderful decorations.

  9. Hello, I'm following you now via Gfc. Kindly follow back as you suggested. Thanks:)

    Chaste & Beautiful

  10. Love all of the decor it looks really nice and spirited :) x

  11. Wow your pix makes me feel like flying to a place & enjoy this all. Keep them coming!

  12. OMG, I'm just i n l o v e with your photos!! They are wonderful!

    Best wishes,
    Ineta //

  13. Beautiful decorations:) Is really hard to see this in Hong kong, and Thanks for your visited!
    would you like to follow each other?
    Follow me if you like it <3 I have already followed you!

    Happirella | Facebook | bloglovin

  14. ja ga ne slavim, previÅ”e posla imam oko odabira cvijeća za groblje itd....pratim te broj 80.

  15. Halloween isn't taken seriously in my country but my family is, so I get to dress up for halloween. :) Great post!

    Have a nice day!


  16. I like your blog,it's amazing!:)
    I'm following you,i hope you will follow back.:)

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Here in my country, there are some halloween parties, but there's no such thing as trick or treat tradition :)

    Thanks for visiting me, I'm following you now on GFC. Waiting for your turn ;)
    Take care,
    Rizuna from 100% Nerd

  19. Awesome pictures!

  20. Great post

    Love Vikee

  21. Replies
    1. Its nice to know that.
      Thank you for that information.


  22. Thank you dear,
    I already follow your blog.


  23. These are amazing Halloween photos. Fantastic colors! I love Halloween, and was in true Halloween spirit this year. I hosted a grand corporate Halloween party too this year. My employees suggested so many company party ideas and I used most of them in my party.

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