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Showing posts from July, 2016


Hi guys! Today I am very excited, because I got my new jacket!!! I am in love with it! I wanted for a long time to get jacket like this, but I did not found any that I love this much. I love that it is black and with this amazing details, which makes it more awesome!! I do not know do you like this jackets, but I really do! It is really dope and I will so good in it. I want to tell that I love this choker so much, so you will see it in couple of post because I am obsessed with it. :D Ćao društvo! Veoma sam uzbuđena! Danas ću vam pokazati moju novu jaknu!!! U potpunosti sam opsjednuta njome. Već dugo vremena sam provela tražeći neku jaknu sličnu ovoj, ali nijedna me nije oduševila kao ova. Sviđa mi se bukvalno sve vezano za nju. Ono što je najljepše jeste što je crna, a ovi detalji koji je čine izričto fenomenalnom, dovode do toga da sa njom i u jednostavnoj kombinaciji možete da izgledate odlično. Najbitnije je da se u njoj osjećam baš udobno, da ne spominjem koliko ću je ...

STEP - BY - STEP Guide on Preparing for Homecoming Night

The lead up to homecoming can be full of mixed emotions, highs and lows not to mention heaps of fun. Preparing for your homecoming night can be easier if you have a plan of action however. This is where our comprehensive step-by-step guide comes into play. In this guide, we feature some essential stages you will need to have ticked off your list before your homecoming night. But, before we delve deep into this guide, let’s take a trip down memory lane in this timeline about the origins of homecoming: <iframe src='' width='100%' height='650' frameborder='0' rel='nofollow' rel='noindex'></iframe> If you like to add this timeline to your blog or website, you can use this embed code: <textarea readonly="readonly...


Hi guys! Here I am with another post. I wanted to start something new, so I want to share it with you. When people say that you need to start something new, different and to improve yourself, it depends of you. What you think that you need to change. Here I am, my wish is to start getting healthier life. From now we need to see difference. :D What do you want to change on long or small terms? Write it in comments, lets share story. Ćao društvo! U ovom novom postu želim da pričam na malo drugačiju temu, ali neću opširno o tome. Dakle, hoću da promjenim to nešto što možda smatram trenutno neophodnim, vremenom vidjeću da li je to smo trenutna situacija, ali potrudiću se da na duži period sprovedem ovu promjenu. Započeći sa zdravijim načinom ishrane, da vidimo da li će to donijeti neke rezultate. :D Šta bi ste vi htjeli da promijenite na duži ili kraći period? Pišite dolje u komentarima, hajde da podjelimo naše priče. FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @ANDJELA.DUJOVIC FOLLOW ME ON...


 Hello girls!!! Here I am to tell you why I am in love with this dresses. Here is a couple of dresses that I adore. On this website you can find those that I pick, and post here:  BABYONLINE DRESS I know that we talk about this in the past, but here I am again with most amazing things and dreams that every girl has. When time comes you know what you want to wore that day. I really like to see this kinds of dresses because it looks so romantic and I love it. I hope that you will like them too. Leave the comment about it. Love you all dolls! Ćao cure!!! Ovdje sam da sa vama podijelim razloge zašto sam zaljubljena u ove haljine koje sam objavila u ovom postu. Ovdje je sajt na koji možete pogledati ostatak ponuda, jer zaista ima haljina po svačijem ukusu.  BABYONLINE DRESS  je adresa na kojoj ćete vidjeti veći broj vjenčanica i svečanih haljina. Moram napomenuti da je ovo jedno od bitnih momenata svakoj djevojci i dio možda njenog sna, Što se mene tiče...